Sonja Hanke
Leraar - Specifieke lerarenopleiding (VUB; Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
BA of Divinity (Wales/CTS)
MA Theology in Evangelical & Pentecostal Studies/Biblical Studies (CTS)
MA Theology in Evangelical & Pentecostal Studies/Missions (CTS)
MA en Leadership d'Église (CTS)PhD candidate at VU Amsterdam
Courses and Subjects Taught
Hebrew I-IV, Greek I-IV, Romans, Corinthians, Synoptic Gospels, Pentateuch, Introduction to Theology, Ethics, Pneumatology, New Religious Movements, World Religions, Intro to Psychology, Pedagogy, Pastoral Counselling I-II, Psychopathology
Areas of main research and competency
Biblical languages, exegesis, systematic theology, pedagogy, ethics and psychology