Practical Ministry Certificate
Continental Theological Seminary is pleased to announce its new Practical Ministry
Certificate. This one year certificate is ideal for those who aren’t looking for a degree but
would like to prepare or to sharpen their tools for practical ministry. The goal of this
program is to provide students with a broad training for ministry in the real world, whether
that be in a church or parachurch ministry. Although classes vary semester to semester, a
typical year’s worth of classes would look like this:
*Choose classes from among the following:
Fall semester
Hermeneutics: how to correctly interpret the Bible
Fundamental Theology: the basics of what we believe
Gospel of John: Jesus the Word of God
Pentateuch: God’s covenant with Israel
Choir (as desired)
Study skills
Homiletics: how to prepare and deliver contemporary biblical messages
Cross-Cultural Communication: understanding and communicating with those who are
different from you
Spring semester
Apologetics: how to defend the faith
Church History III: the worldwide Pentecostal revival
Pastoral Counseling: how to provide biblical counsel to people in need
Paul’s letter to the Romans: Paul’s understanding of salvation
The Acts of the Apostles: the power of the early church
Introduction to Missions: taking the good news of Christ to the ends of the earth
Pastor Theology: how to lead God's church
Please note: as this is not a degree program, it can only be offered to EU citizens, who don’t need a visa for Belgium.
For more information about the registration, please click here
For further information about costs, click here.
For further information, please click here